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Welcome to
The Lambfold Benefice
Our Benefice consists of five rural parishes - Litchborough, Adstone, Maidford, Blakesley with Woodend, and Farthingstone, and we are located in the south-westernly corner of the county of Northamptonshire, in the heart of the English countryside.
To enter any of our churches is to enter English history itself. From the stance of national heritage one can stand in the footsteps of the Normans, of medieval Yeoman farmers or even a notorious 17th century pirate! Within them the very history of our land can be grasped and touched, whether it's the image of the ‘the Bearer of the Bow' to King Henry IV; or the beheaded ‘idolatrous statuary' left behind by the reformation's zealots, or indeed the very private grief made public, of a wealthy family quite literally annihilated by the effects of the First World War.
Yet these buildings are more than mere centres of focus for England's heritage. They are treasure houses of Christian prayer and mission. To enter them is to enter a place made sacred by almost 1000 years of prayer. Where generations of births, deaths and marriages have been celebrated and marked. Where, for half the Christian epoch, men and woman have sung praises to their creating, redeeming and sustaining God. To enter them is to join in this unbreakable chain of prayer.
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Services in the Benefice this Week:
Sunday 23rd March 2025 - Third Sunday of Lent
9.00am Holy Communion Adstone
9.30am Matins Maidford
10.30am Holy Communion Blakesley
10.30am Celtic Morning Worship Litchborough
6.00pm Compline Farthingstone
Notices and Dates for Your Diary
Monday 24th March - The Lent Group, 7-8pm, Maidford Village Hall. We will be following the Pilgrim sessions on the Lord's Prayer.
Thursday 3rd April - Lent Frugal Lunches, 12 -1.30pm - homemade soup, bread and fruit, in Litchborough Village Hall in aid of Daventry Food Bank and Mary’s Meals.
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To read Reverend Sue's April 2025 letter, click here...
To read the weekly Lambfold Letter with Bible readings for Sunday 23rd March 2025, click here
PLEASE NOTE: The Church Electoral Rolls are due for renewal this year
and anyone who would like to be included will need to complete a new form.
Please look out for forms in your parishes or contact Revd Sue for more details.
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Please include this prayer in your daily prayers:
Leading Your Church into Growth
God of Mission, who alone brings growth to your Church,
send your Holy Spirit to give vision to our planning, wisdom to our actions, joy to our worship and power to our witness.
Help our church to grow in numbers, in spiritual commitment to you, and in service to our local community, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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If you have any concerns regarding the welfare of a child or vulnerable adult,
please contact Mrs Sandy Aked-Walker, our Benefice Safeguarding Officer
on 01327 830077 or send her an email here
A copy of our Safeguarding Policy, 'Promoting a Safer Church', is on display in all our churches.
To contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Officer, Victoria Kellett, please email: victoria.kellett@peterborough-diocese.org.uk
Diocesan Safeguarding Office: 01733 887000
Office hours: Monday – Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm
For further information and help on Safeguarding from the Peterborough Diocese, please click here: Peterborough Diocese Safeguarding Office.
If you are worried that a child or vulnerable adult is in serious danger
please phone 999 / 101
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