All Saints, Adstone

Adstone is a friendly, innovating village with a vibrant community. We excel in organising hugely successful events which often exceed the capacity of our church, helping us to balance our books year on year. Our optimistic outlook reflects the increase in young families moving into the village creating our desire for an invigorating style of church leadership.

The strong community spirit is enhanced by activities held in the Old School Hall, such as our cinema club, quiz nights and beer and banter evenings. A stone’s throw from the church the hall also provides full amenities to support church events.

The 13th century medieval church of All Saints’ lies on a quiet corner in the heart of the village and is well maintained. Since August 2015 the Church has been open during daylight hours for those seeking solace or to experience this beautiful cosy building.

A few of our recent highlights are below but please visit our All Saints Adstone Facebook to experience more of Adstone joy.

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The Old School Hall was saved by the village in 1980 and provides a multi-function space for indoor and outdoor village events. It has its own committee that maintains, manages and finances the building and coordinates events.

Churchwardens: Vacant - please contact the Rector or Sarah Rudkin



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